Mort Pour La France le 19 novembre 1916 REIGNER, Léonide Louis Laurent, né à Chenon, Charente

Since the war began in 1914, together with his comrades in the 107th Infantery Regiment, Léonide Reigner fought in the first battles of the Marne, in the defence of Paris where in September the French and British forces successfully stopped the German advance. In 1915 the Regiment was then engaged in a series of offensives with the French 10th Army under Joffre in the Artois, Champagne region.  These offensives failed to breach the German deffensive line and by the end of 1915 French losses rose to 600,000 men. In 1916 at Verdun and a new German offensive,  the defence of Poivre was placed in their hands. Only just escaping this living hell,  The 107th took part in the battle of the   Somme in the sector - Biaches-la-Maisonette where Léonide lost his life. (see the following extract from a war journal) . Subsequently the regiment was sent Champagne where it suffered suffered the rigours of the winter 1916-17.  

Novembre 1916 - Bataille de la Somme - relevé d'un journal de guerre du secteur Biaches-la Maisonnette.
Vendredi 17 novembre
Sur le front de la Somme, quelques fractions ennemies qui avaient réussi à prendre pied dans un paté de maisons au nord-est de Saillisel, en ont été chassées par une vive contre-attaque de nos troupes. La lutte d'artillerie continue, violente, dans la région d'Ablaincourt.
On the Somme front several groups of the enemy who had succeeded in gaining a foothold in a block of houses to the North-East of Sailisel, were chased out by a lively counter attack by our troops. The exchange of  artillery violently continues in the region of Ablaincourt

Le dimanche 19 novembre
Au sud de la Somme, un fort détachement ennemi qui tentait d'aborder une de nos tranchées du secteur de Biaches, a été aisément repoussé à la grenade...........

To the south of the Somme a strong detachment of the enemy who tried to reach one of our trenches in the sector of Biaches were repulsed with grenades.......

Biaches est un petit village français, situé dans le département de la Somme et la région de Picardie.
Dans les ruines de Biaches; au centre, derrière le poteau de télégraphe, une petite chappelle dont les Allemands avaient fait un réduit puissamment fortifié.
The ruins of the villages of Biaches in the separtment of the Somme. In the centre of the photograph there is a telegraph pole behind which can be seen a small chapel in which the Germans had a heavily fortified hideout.



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